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General Discussion / MediterraneanCoin release v0.8.6.3-mark3
« Last post by smallplatf on April 05, 2014, 01:38:10 AM »

hi all,
we have a new MediterraneanCoin release v0.8.6.3-mark3, which integrates all latest upstream features.

includes CoinControl.
includes the latest modifications for supporting large transactions.

Always make a backup of your wallet.dat file before upgrading!

Download Windows and Linux build from here:

Windows build:

Linux build:

Source code is as always on github, but you have to switch branch to exp-

viruscan results:
General Discussion / Re: Mediterraneancoin dice game
« Last post by battsali on April 04, 2014, 11:01:06 PM »
on site link to      is wrong   
Guides / Mediterraneancoin solo mining - Linux instructions
« Last post by smallplatf on March 31, 2014, 02:40:09 AM »
Mediterraneancoin solo mining - Linux instructions
Guides / Mediterraneancoin solo mining - Windows instructions
« Last post by smallplatf on March 31, 2014, 02:37:08 AM »
Mediterraneancoin solo mining - Windows instructions
Technical Support / Mining technical questions - post here!
« Last post by smallplatf on March 31, 2014, 02:14:24 AM »
For any question related to mining, this is the place! 

Please post here your questions!!!
General Discussion / Mediterraneancoin dice game
« Last post by smallplatf on March 31, 2014, 01:25:20 AM »

Mediterraneancoin dice game with infinite payouts.
Play max bet and win over 200 MED ! Almost instant (requires 1 confirmation) - Provably fair game - 98% expected payout - 2% house edge

try it!!!

Development & Technical Discussion / Mediterraneancoinj checkpoint file
« Last post by smallplatf on March 30, 2014, 10:13:50 PM »
you can download the checkpoint file (updated to 2014-03-30) for mediterraneancoinj library here:
Mining / Re: What mining hardware are you using?
« Last post by rfe3 on March 23, 2014, 12:01:46 PM »
Hi there,
     I have 2 rigs mining Med.

#1. Win7 Ultimate x64
      i7 - Q740 CPU
      4x Antminer U1
      1x Antminer U2
      Bfgminer 3.10 (latest modded version)
      LogiLink 10 port USB Hub (powered)
      Bfgminer string: bfgminer -o stratum+tcp://  -u X -p X -S antminer:all –set-device antminer:clock=x0B81 --submit-stale
      Hash Rate - 8~10Gh/s - about 85% CPU usage

#2. Win7 Ultimate x64
      i3 - 2350M CPU
      4x Antminer U1
      1x Antminer U2
      Bfgminer 3.10 (latest modded version)
      LogiLink 10 port USB Hub (powered)
      Bfgminer string: bfgminer -o stratum+tcp://  -u X -p X -S antminer:all –set-device antminer:clock=x0B81 --submit-stale
      Hash Rate - 6~7 Gh/s - about 85% CPU usage

Had some issues with Cgminer and Bfgminer 3.9 with the built in Proxy, mostly low hashrates and HW errors, the latest Bfgminer 3.10 was waaaaay better.

Edit: ASIC drivers - silabser (v6.6.1.0)
Mining / Re: What mining hardware are you using?
« Last post by Matt9301 on March 22, 2014, 10:23:50 AM »
Hi, I'm mining with:
- 3 Block Erupter USB (333mh/s)
- Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
- Bfgminer 3.10 from here:
- No problem for now..
This is my string: bfgminer -o -u X -p X --icarus-options 115200:2:2 --icarus-timing short=90 -S all where X are your username or password.
Mining / What mining hardware are you using?
« Last post by smallplatf on March 22, 2014, 10:16:16 AM »
We want to organize the mining information better, thus we need your help!

What mining hardware are you using?

Please post here:
- ASIC device
- Operating System (including 32/64 bit info)
- which mining software are you using? bfgminer or cgminer?
- past issues (how did you solve them) and/or current issues;
- which ASIC software drivers are you using? ok just the download link
- mining mode: solo, pool or p2pool?

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